Fr. Dr. med. Aschbach (Gitelman)

About me

My name is Dina Semyonovna Aschbach. I am a Doctor of Medicine.
I live and work in Germany, and I also have a Medical Center in Kiev (Ukraine) where I successfully treat patients with serious diseases that don’t respond to conventional therapy. I hold 12 patents and have authored more than 50 scientific articles, as well as a series of popular science books in Russian, Bulgarian, English and German. My treatment methods are very effective and are well known all over the world. They are based on a phenomenon known in Russia as “living and dead water,” and in English-speaking countries as Electrolyzed Cathode Water (ECW)—Alkaline and Electrolyzed Anode Water (EAW)—Acidic.


The “Aschbach” Method of Treatment and Rehabilitation

What are ECW and EAW?
Electrolyzed Cathode Water (ECW)—Alkaline and Electrolyzed Anode Water (EAW)—Acidic are obtained by electrolysis in an ionizer that has two cells: a cathode cell and an anode cell. The process changes two of water’s parameters: its pH and its oxidation-reduction potential.
The water in the anode cell is saturated with oxidants (including active hydrogen and other free radicals). This gives it a high positive oxidation-reduction potential, an acidic pH and antiseptic properties. It possesses strong antiseptic and disinfectant properties. The ionizer’s cathode cell produces water saturated with electrons and active hydrogen (atomic oxygen), which has an alkaline pH and a lower (negative) oxidation-reduction potential.
This water possesses antioxidant and immune-stimulating properties, and it inhibits the growth of cancer cells.

My research:

I have studied the use of Electrolyzed Cathode Water (ECW)—Alkaline и Electrolyzed Anode Water (EAW)—Acidic for treating numerous diseases over the course of many years.

My books

I have authored nine books in Russian, English, Bulgarian and German.

Our new products

Reverse osmosis mineralizer ionizer

Reverse osmosis mineralizer ionizer
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87,00 EUR
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Reverse osmosis mineralizer ionizer+

Reverse osmosis mineralizer ionizer+
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80,00 EUR
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Set aus drei Filtern für Durchlauf-Ionisierer Aschbach 01

Set aus drei Filtern für Durchlauf-Ionisierer Aschbach 01
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